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My Experience with Sports
i've done a sport or two in my day
♥ The Team ♥
Atrox: https://twitter.com/AtroxChobatsu
Denny: https://www.instagram.com/90percentknuckles/
MorganToast: https://morgantoast.tumblr.com/
GinjaNinja: https://www.youtube.com/user/GinjaNinjaOwO
IceCreamSandwich: https://twitter.com/ICSandwichGuy
Pivots: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThePivotsXXD
DavidBaronArt: http://davidbaronart.tumblr.com/
Devon: https://www.instagram.com/devonkong/
Duckdee: https://www.youtube.com/user/SirDuckD?app=desktop
Jaystarz: https://www.youtube.com/xjaystarzx
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Behind the Scenes:
If you're an animator, artist, gamer, or entertainer, then join us at Channel Frederator Network: https://frdr.us/Jaiden
Wanna Send Fanart?
You can send it to me through Twitter or DeviantArt (links above), however if you cannot send it through those methods, then you can email it to me through the email below. DISCLAIMER!! There will not be any notification showing that I have seen your art through this method. I highly suggest using the other two :)
Music: Slippin' Slidin' by ionics
And this tells me you read the description, which means you respect what I have to say! Thank you :D ur better than any sport~