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Understand | Playing For Change Day 2015 | Maine Academy of Modern Music
To celebrate the 2015 Playing For Change Day, the Maine Academy of Modern Music (MAMM) partnered with a number of Maine filmmakers, musicians, and students to make our own video in the style of the Playing For Change "Songs Around The World" series. This year we chose to feature the song "Understand" by Maine's own Frank Hopkins.
In conjunction with the release of this video MAMM hosted the grand opening of its new location at 125 Presumpscot St in Portland, Maine. The Academy also held a video premiere at the Portland House of Music & Events which featured live performances by many of the musicians and students who appeared in the video, all to raise awareness about the value of music education in the lives of young people around the globe.
We would like to thank Sam and Will Caswell of Herman Mantis, Inc (associate producers, editors), Jonathan Wyman of The Halo (mixing engineer), Adam Ayan of Gateway Mastering (mastering engineer), all of the participating musicians and filmmakers, our supporters Asylum, Machias Savings Bank, Maine Arts Commission, Maine Center for Creativity, and everyone else who made this video project possible.
If you would like to learn more about MAMM visit www.maineacademyofmodernmusic.org or www.facebook.com/MAMMrocks.
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NOTE: Playing For Change (a Timeless Media Group project) and Concord Music Group were not involved in any way with the production and release of "Understand | Playing For Change Day 2015 | Maine Academy of Modern Music".