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Video Game Music Is Better Than Modern Music
Pls Read This (down there) I
My old description was shit, Imma just be honest now.
I made this video when i had like 200 subs, so i thought it would get like 200 views
or something like that... (I was wrong)
My opinion is still the same and I think there are like 1-2 points that would've been 100% valid if I had just explained it better, but every other point i made was probably very easy for haters to pick apart, so that's just the "old me" being dumb and not thinking ahead...
But I'm not going to take this video down, I hate the fact that I've made it but it also can show how much I can improve and learn from this, the entire video is not a mistake, just parts,
and i need to try and fix those parts in the future.
So go ahead and type hate comments all you want, because it's not going to affect me.
Only my self-doubt and worries if I'm good enough to others, can make me question things.
You Gremlins on the other side of the screen getting pissed off at a comedic type of video kinda shows how easy it is to wind you guys up without even trying my best. lol
And to those who don't care about what I'm saying and just enjoyed the video even if you thought what i was saying was wrong, thank you. If everybody else was like this and just moved on i probably wouldn't be writing this new description rn, but unfortunately some pussies can't handle someone else not liking the same music as them, sooooo, I'm writing this new description.
And to those who were positive, thanks as well, nice to know that even if my argument was shit,
you guys agreed with what i was TRYING to say :)
Anyway, new description done,
Now go ahead and write a comment calling me the N-word,
See how far that gets you.
Modern Music For Me = Anything After The Year 2018, That's Either:
Pop, Metal, Rap or Electronic.
(Don't get me wrong on that!) (Bruno Mars is a good example here)
Hope that helps :)
Intro: 00:00 - 02:05
Talking A Bit: 02:06 - 02:34
Mario Kart Wii: 02:35 - 03:37
Halo Reach: 03:38 - 05:10
Sonic Unleashed: 05:11 - 07:09
Minecraft: 07:17 - 08:22
Honorable Mentions: 08:23 - 08:57
Now Onto Modern Music: 08:58 - 11:57
Outro: 11:58 - 12:20
All Music Is Named In The Video Except:
Intro / Outro Music: Apotos Night - Sonic Unleashed
(Lots of music from this game that i want to use as well)
Honorable Mentions Music: Mario Paint Main Theme:
Steven Hawking's FIRE Rap Track:
And That's All For Now!
Until Next Time!