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💀 SAMHAIN Witch Music: Witches' New Year Meditation Instrumental Playlist. Songs for Halloween
🎃 Ready for Samhain? Click here: https://spells8.com/samhain-celebration-wicca/
It's that time of the year again! As we approach October 31st, pumpkins and Witches begin to appear everywhere as the symbols of Halloween (All Hallows' Eve). This means we are entering the dark half of the Wheel of the Year, so let's cast a Samhain spell and prepare a ritual at home, to celebrate the dead and the living too.
Samhain is a powerful time of transition which marks the Witches' New Year. That's because the Celtic days, just like in Hebrew tradition, began and ended at sunset. In the same fashion, the year was considered to begin with the dark half. It was a time of magic and ethereal moments (a.k.a. "the thinning of the veil") that made the period an enchanted time.
This is a celebration of life, death, and darkness, associated with the realm of spirits. Read the article above to find traditional ways to celebrate Samhain this year.
Sounds Of The Forest - Sleeping Ghost
Watching the Wheels - David Hyams
A Dark Dark Halloween Night - Bobby Cole
Moments - Marcus Bressler
Down - Evandro Dresch
Day Dreamer - Michael Vignola
The Things You Cannot Control - Ray Aley
Prehistory - Marcus Bressler
Be ye with heart - Luke Neumann
Eye Of The Storm (Feat. Cicely Parnas) - Humans Win
Tower - Raighes Factory
String Quartet #1 - String Quartet #1
The Lightest Touch - Humans Win
Queen Mab- Audio Waves - Eliche Remblon
Fantasy Harp with angelic choir - Gerardo Garcia Jr.
Moon - Mark Dee
Foggy Misty Morning - Juvan Juvan
Tell a Story- Torian Chavis
Nocturnal Dance - bzur