1 Часть: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ik-UYfOwDeE
Дэвид Копперфильд - Разоблачение (3)
► Русский трейлер фильма «История Дэвида Копперфилда» 2020 года |
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• Оригинальное название: The Personal History of David Copperfield
• Страна: Великобритания, США
• Дистрибьютор: Вольга
• Режиссер: Армандо Ианнуччи
• Жанр: драма, комедия
• В главных ролях: Дев Патель, Питер Капальди, Хью Лори, Тильда Суинтон, Бен Уишоу
История Дэвида Копперфилда началась в кипящем от событий Лондоне, где перемешались большие деньги, модные районы и предприниматели всех мастей. Пройдя путь от неприкаянного ребенка до известного писателя, он всего добивался сам и был готов на безумство ради любви. Копперфилд — это живой символ эпохи, в которую хочется возвращаться вновь и вновь.
• Трейлеры к фильмам: https://goo.gl/EXV9vM
• Трейлеры к мультфильмам: https://goo.gl/Xn4Q13
• Игровые трейлеры: https://goo.gl/HPACDp
• Видео о съёмках фильмов: https://goo.gl/wc5MTh
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Легендарный иллюзионист Дэвид Копперфильд в 90-е годы 20 века изумлял публику во всем мире. Именно он заставил нас поверить, что волшебство существует. Большинство его трюков до сих пор не раскрыто, хотя узнать секреты пытались многие. У него появилось множество подражателей, однако никому не удалось добиться столь впечатляющих результатов. Под результатами имеются в виду не только интересные трюки, но и финансовое положение. Нам стало любопытно, как сделал себя самый знаменитый фокусник, куда он пропал и чем занимается сейчас. А мы расскажем где живет Дэвид Копперфильд и какое состояние он зарабатывает.
По вопросам сотрудничества и рекламы обращайтесь на почту - svetik.boikova@mail.ru
Подписывайтесь на канал Нам и не снилось, нажимайте на колокольчик чтобы не пропустить следующие ролики https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCBms79bsHRxmq6Ypu
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ИСТОРИЧЕСКАЯ ДРАМА Дэвид Копперфилд, фильм по мотивам романа Чарльза Диккенса
В середине 90-х годов имя великого иллюзиониста Дэвида Копперфильда было известно каждому. Падение с Ниагарского водопада, полет через Большой Каньон и «похищение» Статуи Свободы − он поражал и удивлял публику, заставляя поверить в чудо.
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Фокусы и их секреты. Дэвид Копперфильд показывает фокус прямо у экрана телевизора.
Дэвид Копперфильд - Нарисованная карта!
На нашем канале вы найдёте все выступления Дэвида Копперфильда!
Магия Дэвида Копперфильда!
Шоу Дэвида Копперфильда!
Группа в вк: https://vk.com/club34498263
Дэвид Копперфильд - Ниагарский водопад!
Номер из программы: "Вызов Ниагарскому водопаду"
На нашем канале вы найдёте все выступления Дэвида Копперфильда!
Магия Дэвида Копперфильда!
Шоу Дэвида Копперфильда!
Группа в вк: https://vk.com/club34498263
Дэвид Копперфильд - Фокус с купюрой и карандашом!
Номер из программы: "Вызов Ниагарскому водопаду"
На нашем канале вы найдёте все выступления Дэвида Копперфильда!
Магия Дэвида Копперфильда!
Шоу Дэвида Копперфильда!
Группа в вк: https://vk.com/club34498263
Дэвид Копперфильд – один из самых популярных иллюзионистов современности. Его имя стало нарицательным и ассоциируется с волшебством и чем-то невозможным. Ореол тайны Копперфильд сохраняет не только вокруг трюков, но и своей личной жизни, что только подогревает интерес. Поэтому, по просьбам наших подписчиков, мы сделали это видео.
#дэвидкопперфильд #какживет
► Ставьте лайк и подписывайтесь на канал! С нами интересно😉https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCtsOtsolypZyB3pyg
Посмотри обязательно!
★ Блэйд – Как Живет Уэсли Снайпс и Что с Ним Стало https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psXSLjgc1Qg&list=PLNC5rnby_Yg3TQqIuhnY00o2hwnb2_nYk&index=1
★ Бритни Спирс – Как Сейчас Живет Поп Дива и Что с Ней Стало https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ2p50rC6sQ&list=PLNC5rnby_Yg02fHoXJFuK016322urCA54&index=2&t=72s
★ Мухаммед Али – История Жизни Легенды Мирового Бокса https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXsNAV8mg4U&list=PLNC5rnby_Yg2uHXY6OsaVS8Y3zvcukyBO&index=3&t=2s
★ Николай Валуев – Что Стало с Самым Гигантским Чемпионом Мира по Боксу https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP2vIbisx5E&list=PLNC5rnby_Yg1kKzL7B2bWRSv_gkqgxtHT&index=4&t=3s
★ Флойд Мейвезер – Как Живет Легенда Бокса и Куда Тратит Свои Миллионы https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YabhvjyV8H4&list=PLNC5rnby_Yg2ruOpfDMQzYlhPcuFZmprt&index=3&t=52s
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My favorite moments from this movie =)
This 1994 BBC Radio Presents version of David Copperfield is by far the best you'll ever find. This full-cast audio dramatisation of the Dickens classic stars Miriam Margolyes, Timothy Spall, Phil Daniels, and Sheila Hancock.
David Copperfield (grown) = Gary Cady
Betsy Trotwood = Miriam Margolyes
Wilkins Micawber = Harold Innocent
Mrs. Micawber = Shella Hancock
David's Mother = Susan Sheridan
Mr Murdstone = John Moffatt
Miss Murdstone = Auriol Smith
Peggotty = Maggie McCarthy
Mr. Peggotty = David Burke
Ham Peggotty = Timothy Spall
Steerforth = Andrew Wincott
Mr. Dick = David Bamber
Dora = Maria Miles
Uriah Heep = Phil Daniels
Mrs Heep = Marla Charles
Agnes = Jane Whittenshaw
Traddles = Mark Straker
Em'ly = Joanna Myers
Barkis = Terence Edmond
Rosa Dartle = Jenny Howe
Other roles played by:
Eric Allen, Adjoa Andoh, Alice Arnold, Barbara Atkinson,David Bannerman, Alan Barker, Timothy Bateson, Onna Beeson, Sebastian Brennan, Timothy Carlton, Nigel Carrington, Nicholas Gatt, James Greene, Ronald Herdman, Sirlol Jenkinds, Norman Jones, Peter Penry Jones, FraserKerr, Pauline Letts, Petra Markham, Charles Millham, Richard Pearce, Neil Roberts, Clarence Smith, Irene Sutcliffe, Peter Tuddenham, Mary Wimbush, and Ann Windsor.
David Copperfield is the story of a boy growing to maturity in the affairs of the world and of the heart, surrounded by some of Dickens' most memorable characters: David's eccentric great-aunt, Miss Betsey Trotwood; the ever-optimistic Mr Micawber; jolly Peggotty and her willing husband Barkis; the charming Steerforth; the ever so 'umble Uriah Heep; and the foolishly innocent Dora.
But will David finally find happiness with the faithful Agnes Wickfield, whom he has known since childhood? And is her own future secure, threatened as it is by Uriah Heep, her father's clerk?
Listen to the complete Ring On The Hourglass soundtrack here-
Another great piece of close-up magic, The Ring On The Hourglass, invented by Paul Gertner. David borrows a ring, places it on a shoe string & than in a ring box, than makes the ring vanish, & reappear ON an hourglass.
David Copperfield is the greatest & most famous illusionist of all time, who from his very early shows on & even now has consistently amazed the world. Witness the magic of a man who made a seven ton learjet airplane vanish, made the Statue of Liberty Disappear, floated over the Grand Canyon, walked through The Great Wall of China, escaped from Alcatraz, confronted the mystery of The Bermuda Triangle, escaped from an imploding building, escaped from Niagara Falls, has sawed HIMSELF in half as opposed to the traditional "Sawing A Woman In Half" in the infamous "Death Saw", made an Orient Express train car disappear, conquered human flight by floating above audience members without the aid of wings, strings, or camera tricks in his most famous levitation illusion called "Flying" that is considered his "greatest illusion of all time", escaped from a straitjacket ten stories in the air, survived being inside of a "Tornado of Fire", & in his live shows, has filled thousands of theaters with snow, made thousands disappear in his equally famous "Thirteen" illusion, & his most famous illusion, "Portal", in the ultimate teleportation, where he transports himself & a lady from the audience from the stage, to a beach on Hawaii on an island in the middle of nowhere, yet still continues to make his mark in pop culture with his many tv & movie appearances, with tv shows such as "Late Night With David Letterman", "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno", "The Arsenio Hall Show, "Oprah", & most recently "America's Got Talent", & movie cameos on "Terror Train" with Jamie Lee Curtis, & "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone" with Steve Carel, as well as continuing to evolve his magic by the constant creation of new illusions.
David can be seen live & up close year round at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas in his very own "David Copperfield Theater", formerly knows as Hollywood Theater, in his latest new show "Live The Impossible", which is sure to capture the imaginations of children as well as adults, by first materializing on stage out of no where on his Harley, known as "The Motorcycle Shadow Box", & later introduces to to his childhood toy dinosaur that he calls "Frank", & to a little blue magical alien named "Atilla". He also performs classics such as "The Squeeze Box", also known as "The Shrink Box", living his grandfather's dream of predicting & winning the lottery & making his dream car appear, & some funny magic with his magical partner, Webster The Duck, in a kid favorite called "Slo Mo Duck", which is one that totally goes "over the head", & is one that leaves you wanting him to "do it again", which he in fact does, but again in slow motion, where all will be revealed, & a classic close up piece that had been a staple of his show for years, where he transforms a simple piece of paper into a paper rose, than into a REAL rose in "The Floating Rose". By using a mixture of music, storytelling, romance, lighting & choreography, close-up magic AND grand illusion, Copperfield creates the ultimate live theater experience for his fans, leaving them feeling full of wonder.
& you can enjoy David's magic in the comfort of your own home, with his "Illusion" DVD, which features "15 Years of Magic", which includes "The Best of David Copperfield" where he is interviewed by Claudia Schiffer at his secret warehouse and features a compilation of all of his most famous illusions, such as The Learjet Vanish, The Death Saw, Fires of Passion, The Statue of Liberty Disappears & more, & bonus features such as television trailers, bonus clips, & audio commentary with David Copperfield.
To this day people ask "How did he make the Statue of Liberty disappear?", along with many other illusions that even The Masked Magician has yet to figure out the secrets to & expose on tv. Through his many CBS TV specials, & world tours in his live show, he continues to amaze the world. So sit back, relax, & enjoy his magic & escapes, right in your own home right here on The David Copperfield Channel.
Also, if you are a fan, you MUST see his live show at least once, so be sure to get tickets on your next Las Vegas vacation & witness, the one, the only, "The Magic of David Copperfield"
Magic trick revealed Heaven on the seventh floor. David Copperfield, who "magically" causes Taylor Swift to appear.
Impact Intermezzo de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/r....oyalty-free/index.ht
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Music: Impact Intermezzo de Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a license Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
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★Giải cứu động vật - Rescue Animals: https://bit.ly/2C2JFHI
★VŨ TRỤ, QUÂN SỰ, BÍ ẨN THẾ GIỚI: https://bit.ly/3gpmCFN
★Deepweb, Creepasta - Câu Chuyện Của Roller Full: https://bit.ly/2ZE9vKc
★PHIM HAY, ĐIỆN ẢNH HOLLYWOOD: https://bit.ly/3gr1ij7
★Đàm Đạo Tam Quốc Diễn Nghĩa - Three Kingdom: https://bit.ly/38wq0fs
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David Copperfield... qui vole-! -
#blvmaianhtai #maianhtai #blvmaianhtaidiscovery ẢO THUẬT GIA VĨ ĐẠI NHẤT THẾ GIỚI DAVID COPPERFIELD GIÀU CỠ NÀO? | TÀI SẢN TỶ ĐÔ, MUA TỚI 11 HÒN ĐẢO
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David Copperfield TV Mini-Series (1974)
Esta es una investigación descubriremos la técnica usada por David Copperfield para volar sobre un escenario en vivo.
Canal Principal:
Canal Secundario:
Canal de Warnings:
CONTACTO: kikebuster@gmail.com
Gracias por tu apoyo :)
K. Buster
Magaicians- stock up on your rubberband supply here with these cool blue number 19 latex rubberbands here-
Here David demonstrates one of the greatest close-up effects of all time- The Rubber Band Penetration, AKA Crazy Man's Handcuffs.'
David Copperfield is the greatest & most famous illusionist of all time, who from his very early shows on & even now has consistently amazed the world. Witness the magic of a man who made a seven ton learjet airplane vanish, made the Statue of Liberty Disappear, floated over the Grand Canyon, walked through The Great Wall of China, escaped from Alcatraz, confronted the mystery of The Bermuda Triangle, escaped from an imploding building, escaped from Niagara Falls, has sawed HIMSELF in half as opposed to the traditional "Sawing A Woman In Half" in the infamous "Death Saw", made an Orient Express train car disappear, conquered human flight by floating above audience members without the aid of wings, strings, or camera tricks in his most famous levitation illusion called "Flying" that is considered his "greatest illusion of all time", escaped from a straitjacket ten stories in the air, survived being inside of a "Tornado of Fire", & in his live shows, has filled thousands of theaters with snow, made thousands disappear in his equally famous "Thirteen" illusion, & his most famous illusion, "Portal", in the ultimate teleportation, where he transports himself & a lady from the audience from the stage, to a beach on Hawaii on an island in the middle of nowhere, yet still continues to make his mark in pop culture with his many tv & movie appearances, with tv shows such as "Late Night With David Letterman", "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno", "The Arsenio Hall Show, "Oprah", & most recently "America's Got Talent", & movie cameos on "Terror Train" with Jamie Lee Curtis, & "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone" with Steve Carel, as well as continuing to evolve his magic by the constant creation of new illusions.
David can be seen live & up close year round at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas in his very own "David Copperfield Theater", formerly knows as Hollywood Theater, in his latest new show "Live The Impossible", which is sure to capture the imaginations of children as well as adults, by first materializing on stage out of no where on his Harley, known as "The Motorcycle Shadow Box", & later introduces to to his childhood toy dinosaur that he calls "Frank", & to a little blue magical alien named "Atilla". He also performs classics such as "The Squeeze Box", also known as "The Shrink Box", living his grandfather's dream of predicting & winning the lottery & making his dream car appear, & some funny magic with his magical partner, Webster The Duck, in a kid favorite called "Slo Mo Duck", which is one that totally goes "over the head", & is one that leaves you wanting him to "do it again", which he in fact does, but again in slow motion, where all will be revealed, & a classic close up piece that had been a staple of his show for years, where he transforms a simple piece of paper into a paper rose, than into a REAL rose in "The Floating Rose". By using a mixture of music, storytelling, romance, lighting & choreography, close-up magic AND grand illusion, Copperfield creates the ultimate live theater experience for his fans, leaving them feeling full of wonder.
& you can enjoy David's magic in the comfort of your own home, with his "Illusion" DVD, which features "15 Years of Magic", which includes "The Best of David Copperfield" where he is interviewed by Claudia Schiffer at his secret warehouse and features a compilation of all of his most famous illusions, such as The Learjet Vanish, The Death Saw, Fires of Passion, The Statue of Liberty Disappears & more, & bonus features such as television trailers, bonus clips, & audio commentary with David Copperfield.
To this day people ask "How did he make the Statue of Liberty disappear?", along with many other illusions that even The Masked Magician has yet to figure out the secrets to & expose on tv. Through his many CBS TV specials, & world tours in his live show, he continues to amaze the world. So sit back, relax, & enjoy his magic & escapes, right in your own home right here on The David Copperfield Channel.
Also, if you are a fan, you MUST see his live show at least once, so be sure to get tickets on your next Las Vegas vacation & witness, the one, the only, "The Magic of David Copperfield"
The Magic Of David Copperfield - Dancing Cane - AMAZING!
In this video, I tried to summarise the novel David Copperfield written by Charles Dickens. Hope this would be helpful for you.
#DavidCopperfield #David #Copperfield
#Bengla #Bengali #Banglai
This 1994 BBC Radio Presents version of David Copperfield is by far the best you'll ever find. This full-cast audio dramatisation of the Dickens classic stars Miriam Margolyes, Timothy Spall, Phil Daniels, and Sheila Hancock.
David Copperfield (grown) = Gary Cady
Betsy Trotwood = Miriam Margolyes
Wilkins Micawber = Harold Innocent
Mrs. Micawber = Shella Hancock
David's Mother = Susan Sheridan
Mr Murdstone = John Moffatt
Miss Murdstone = Auriol Smith
Peggotty = Maggie McCarthy
Mr. Peggotty = David Burke
Ham Peggotty = Timothy Spall
Steerforth = Andrew Wincott
Mr. Dick = David Bamber
Dora = Maria Miles
Uriah Heep = Phil Daniels
Mrs Heep = Marla Charles
Agnes = Jane Whittenshaw
Traddles = Mark Straker
Em'ly = Joanna Myers
Barkis = Terence Edmond
Rosa Dartle = Jenny Howe
Other roles played by:
Eric Allen, Adjoa Andoh, Alice Arnold, Barbara Atkinson,David Bannerman, Alan Barker, Timothy Bateson, Onna Beeson, Sebastian Brennan, Timothy Carlton, Nigel Carrington, Nicholas Gatt, James Greene, Ronald Herdman, Sirlol Jenkinds, Norman Jones, Peter Penry Jones, FraserKerr, Pauline Letts, Petra Markham, Charles Millham, Richard Pearce, Neil Roberts, Clarence Smith, Irene Sutcliffe, Peter Tuddenham, Mary Wimbush, and Ann Windsor.
David Copperfield is the story of a boy growing to maturity in the affairs of the world and of the heart, surrounded by some of Dickens' most memorable characters: David's eccentric great-aunt, Miss Betsey Trotwood; the ever-optimistic Mr Micawber; jolly Peggotty and her willing husband Barkis; the charming Steerforth; the ever so 'umble Uriah Heep; and the foolishly innocent Dora.
But will David finally find happiness with the faithful Agnes Wickfield, whom he has known since childhood? And is her own future secure, threatened as it is by Uriah Heep, her father's clerk?
David Copperfield attempts an audacious trick by vanishing from his luxurious penthouse!
This video is a perfect blend of magic, humour, and mystery that you won't want to miss!
If you enjoyed the video, don’t forget to like and share!
#DavidCopperfield #MagicTrick #DisappearingAct #PenthouseMystery #ComedyReactions #TouristAttraction
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"The Magic of David Copperfield XI: The Explosive Encounter"
David borrows a hundred dollar bill from the audience & makes it magically transform into a one dollar bill.
David Copperfield is the greatest & most famous illusionist of all time, who from his very early shows on & even now has consistently amazed the world. Witness the magic of a man who made a seven ton learjet airplane vanish, made the Statue of Liberty Disappear, floated over the Grand Canyon, walked through The Great Wall of China, escaped from Alcatraz, confronted the mystery of The Bermuda Triangle, escaped from an imploding building, escaped from Niagara Falls, has sawed HIMSELF in half as opposed to the traditional "Sawing A Woman In Half" in the infamous "Death Saw", made an Orient Express train car disappear, conquered human flight by floating above audience members without the aid of wings, strings, or camera tricks in his most famous levitation illusion called "Flying" that is considered his "greatest illusion of all time", escaped from a straitjacket ten stories in the air, survived being inside of a "Tornado of Fire", & in his live shows, has filled thousands of theaters with snow, made thousands disappear in his equally famous "Thirteen" illusion, & his most famous illusion, "Portal", in the ultimate teleportation, where he transports himself & a lady from the audience from the stage, to a beach on Hawaii on an island in the middle of nowhere, yet still continues to make his mark in pop culture with his many tv & movie appearances, with tv shows such as "Late Night With David Letterman", "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno", "The Arsenio Hall Show, "Oprah", & most recently "America's Got Talent", & movie cameos on "Terror Train" with Jamie Lee Curtis, & "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone" with Steve Carel, as well as continuing to evolve his magic by the constant creation of new illusions.
David can be seen live & up close year round at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas in his very own "David Copperfield Theater", formerly knows as Hollywood Theater, in his latest new show "Live The Impossible", which is sure to capture the imaginations of children as well as adults, by first materializing on stage out of no where on his Harley, known as "The Motorcycle Shadow Box", & later introduces to to his childhood toy dinosaur that he calls "Frank", & to a little blue magical alien named "Atilla". He also performs classics such as "The Squeeze Box", also known as "The Shrink Box", living his grandfather's dream of predicting & winning the lottery & making his dream car appear, & some funny magic with his magical partner, Webster The Duck, in a kid favorite called "Slo Mo Duck", which is one that totally goes "over the head", & is one that leaves you wanting him to "do it again", which he in fact does, but again in slow motion, where all will be revealed, & a classic close up piece that had been a staple of his show for years, where he transforms a simple piece of paper into a paper rose, than into a REAL rose in "The Floating Rose". By using a mixture of music, storytelling, romance, lighting & choreography, close-up magic AND grand illusion, Copperfield creates the ultimate live theater experience for his fans, leaving them feeling full of wonder.
& you can enjoy David's magic in the comfort of your own home, with his "Illusion" DVD, which features "15 Years of Magic", which includes "The Best of David Copperfield" where he is interviewed by Claudia Schiffer at his secret warehouse and features a compilation of all of his most famous illusions, such as The Learjet Vanish, The Death Saw, Fires of Passion, The Statue of Liberty Disappears & more, & bonus features such as television trailers, bonus clips, & audio commentary with David Copperfield.
To this day people ask "How did he make the Statue of Liberty disappear?", along with many other illusions that even The Masked Magician has yet to figure out the secrets to & expose on tv. Through his many CBS TV specials, & world tours in his live show, he continues to amaze the world. So sit back, relax, & enjoy his magic & escapes, right in your own home right here on The David Copperfield Channel.
Also, if you are a fan, you MUST see his live show at least once, so be sure to get tickets on your next Las Vegas vacation & witness, the one, the only, "The Magic of David Copperfield"
Fantástico explica truque de David Copperfield revelado em tribunal. Fantástico 29_04/2018.
Copperfield performing airtight, clip.
This is very funny, watch it :)