Вселенная и Космос

2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Documental Completo: Mentes brillantes "los secretos del cosmos"

*Galileo Galilei.
*Isaac Newton.
*Albert Einstein.
*Stephen William Hawking.

2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Si el "Universo" es finito, debe tener límites, por el contrario, si no tiene límites es por definición infinito. Para aclarar este concepto, sin duda difícil de entender en un espacio de tres dimensiones como el nuestro, podemos utilizar un objeto muy familiar para todos como es un globo. Pues bien, si sobre el globo dibujamos galaxias y empezamos a inflarlo nos daremos cuenta cómo se formó el Universo desde la primera gran explosión o Big Bang. Al seguir soplando dentro del globo, vemos como las galaxias dibujadas se alejan las unas de las otras, siendo el Universo la piel del globo. Nuestro Universo inflado no es infinito por qué tiene un radio aunque se puede considerar ilimitado, pues si ponemos una hormiga a caminar sobre la superficie de nuestro globo, no encontrará nunca un límite. En el caso de que un ser humano pudiera viajar por el Universo siempre en la misma dirección, al cabo de muchos miles de millones de años-luz de recorrido, volvería a topar con nuestro bien querido planeta azul.

0 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Is our little blue planet the only one? Or are there more Earths out there?
Watch NOW to find out! Explore the Cosmos with Beyond The Lote Tree, once again...

Part Five of the 'ALLAH AND THE COSMOS' series - 'SEVEN EARTHS' is the fifth episode of the Allah And The Cosmos Series.

Part One - Allah and the Cosmos | Creation in Six Days
Part Two - Allah and the Cosmos | Allah's Throne Time
Part Three - Allah and the Cosmos | Predestination
Part Four - Allah and the Cosmos | Speed of Angels
Part Five - Allah and the Cosmos | Seven Earths

Video Credits at end of video.

Youtube Channel : Until Sabah Media
'Praise the Warmth' - Credit - Youtube Channel | TuneCore - Nasheed by Muhammad Al Muqit
'Working Hard' - Credit - Youtube Channel | Rock Records - Nasheed by BMQ | Horus Music, and 1 music rights societies [Album : Forever]

Beyond The Lote Tree does not own any of the Nasheeds played in this video.

A Beyond The Lote Tree Production


1 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Soprano "Cosmo",2 ème extrait de "Cosmopolitanie", nouvel album à paraître à l'automne.
Clip en ligne le 4 août

Soprano sera en tournée :
05.09.14 : LE NOIRMONT / Festival du Chant du Gros
14.11.14 : ROUEN / 106
15.11.14 : RENNES / Etage
20.11.14 : CAEN / Cargo
21.11.14 : LE MANS / Oasis
22.11.14 : BEAUVAIS / Elispace
26.11.14 : CLERMONT-FERRAND / Coopérative de mai
28.11.14 : ANGERS / Chabada
29.11.14 : BREST / Carène
07.12.14 : LUXEMBOURG / Rockhal

10.03.15 : TOULOUSE / Zénith
12.03.15 : DIJON / Zénith
13.03.15 : METZ / Les Arènes
15.03.15 : LILLE / Zénith
20.03.15 : PARIS / Zénith
21.03.15 : NANTES / Zénith
28.03.15 : GENEVE / Arena
31.03.15 : LYON / Halle Tony Garnier
01.04.15 : GRENOBLE / Summum
03.04.15 : MARSEILLE / Dôme
04.04.15 : MONTPELLIER / Zénith
24.04.15 : STRASBOURG / Zénith

Dès maintenant, réservez vos places : http://decibelsprod.com/con...

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4 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

El universo es la totalidad del espacio y del tiempo, de todas las formas de la materia, la energía, el impulso, las leyes y constantes físicas que las gobiernan. Sin embargo, el término también se utiliza en sentidos contextuales ligeramente diferentes y alude a conceptos como cosmos, mundo o naturaleza.1​ Su estudio, en las mayores escalas, es el objeto de la cosmología, disciplina basada en la astronomía y la física, en la cual se describen todos los aspectos de este universo con sus fenómenos.

La ciencia modeliza el universo como un sistema cerrado que contiene energía y materia adscritas al espacio-tiempo y que se rige fundamentalmente por principios causales. Basándose en observaciones del universo observable, los físicos intentan describir el continuo espacio-tiempo en el que nos encontramos, junto con toda la materia y energía existentes en él.

Los experimentos sugieren que el universo se ha regido por las mismas leyes físicas, constantes a lo largo de su extensión e historia. Es homogéneo e isotrópico. La fuerza dominante en distancias cósmicas es la gravedad, y la relatividad general es actualmente la teoría más exacta para describirla. Las otras tres fuerzas fundamentales, y las partículas en las que actúan, son descritas por el modelo estándar.

El universo tiene por lo menos tres dimensiones de espacio y una de tiempo, aunque experimentalmente no se pueden descartar dimensiones adicionales. El espacio-tiempo parece estar conectado de forma sencilla, y el espacio tiene una curvatura media muy pequeña o incluso nula, de manera que la geometría euclidiana es, como norma general, exacta en todo el universo.

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1 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

DLC BGMセット 1

6 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Resumen del episodio 10 "El visionario electrónico" de Cosmos: Una odisea de tiempo y espacio.

Este episodio proporciona una visión general de la naturaleza del electromagnetismo, como se descubrió a través de la obra de Michael Faraday. Tyson explica cómo la idea de otra fuerza de la naturaleza, similar a las fuerzas gravitacionales, había sido postulada anteriormente por Isaac Newton. Tyson continúa en Faraday, procedente de inicios pobres, acabaría interesándose en estudiar electricidad después de leer libros y ver las conferencias de Humphry Davy en la Royal Institution. Davy contrataría a Faraday después de ver las extensas notas que había tomado para actuar como su secretario y asistente de laboratorio.

0:00 ¿Pueden verme? ¿Pueden oírme? - Intro
2:11 Michael Faraday
4:37 Experimentos
9:06 Mayor descubrimiento
14:57 Campo electromagnético
18:10 Ecuaciones de James Clerk Maxwell
19:22 ¿Pueden verme? ¿Pueden oírme? - Final

Michael Faraday
Cosmos una odisea en el espacio-tiempo capitulo 10
Cosmos una odisea de tiempo y espacio capitulo 10
cosmos neil degrasse tyson
cosmos mundos posibles national geographic
Cosmos una odisea de tiempo y espacio national geographic
Cosmos una odisea de tiempo y espacio Fox
cosmos michael faraday en español

0 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

2015年1月14日発売のおとぎ話『CULTURE CLUB』(PECF-1117 / felicity cap-217)から「COSMOS」のミュージックビデオです。
監督:山戸結希 / 出演:趣里


◆おとぎ話 "きゅーと研究会" (Official Music Video)



2015.01.14 On Sale

PECF-1117 / felicity cap-217
定価 : ¥2,500 + 税

01. 運命
02. きゅーと研究会
03. カルチャークラブ
04. 少年
06. 光の涙
08. 告白ジャム
09. ピカピカ
11. おとぎ話みたいねと笑ってばかりの君が


★Amazon : http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/o....bidos/ASIN/B00PM80XP










1 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

432Hz | Healing Music | Derived from Cosmos | 8 HOURS

Subscribe for your Daily Meditation and Relaxation - http://www.youtube.com/subscri....ption_center?add_use

Tesla said it. Einstein Agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everything—including our own bodies—is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, can sound frequencies affect us? They sure can. Frequencies affect frequencies; much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavor of a meal. The way frequencies affect the physical world has been demonstrated through various experiments such as the science of Cymatics and water memory.

The science of Cymatics illustrates that when sound frequencies move through a particular medium such as water, air or sand, it directly alters the vibration of matter.

432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. It is said that 432 Hz vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiraling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and the moon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, the Sri Yantra among many other sacred sites.

3 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

劇場版「美少女戦士セーラームーンCosmos」 テーマソング・コレクション は6月30日(金)発売!


'Tsuki no Hana', The theme song for the movie "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos"

1.「月の花」/Daoko(劇場版「美少女戦士セーラームーン Cosmos」主題歌)
作詞:Daoko・永井聖一 作曲:永井聖一 編曲:kensuke ushio
2. 「ムーンライト伝説」
作詞:小田佳奈子 作曲:小諸鉄矢 編曲:月蝕會議
歌:エターナルセーラームーン(CV.三石琴乃),エターナルセーラーマーキュリー(CV.金元寿子),エターナルセーラーマーズ(CV.佐藤利奈),エターナルセーラージュピター(CV.小清水亜美),エターナルセーラーヴィーナス(CV.伊藤 静)                                                                     
3. 「セーラースターソング」
作詞:武内直子 作曲:荒木将器 編曲:月蝕會議
4. 「流れ星へ」
作詞:武内直子 作曲:鈴木キサブロー 編曲:ケンモチヒデフミ
5. 「Happy Marriage Song」
作詞・作曲:小坂明子 編曲:月蝕會議
歌:月野うさぎ(CV.三石琴乃),地場衛(CV.野島健児),ちびうさ(CV.福圓美里),水野亜美(CV.金元寿子),火野レイ(CV.佐藤利奈),木野まこと(CV.小清水亜美),愛野美奈子(CV.伊藤 静),天王はるか(CV.皆川純子),海王みちる(CV.大原さやか),冥王せつな(CV.前田 愛),土萠ほたる(CV.藤井ゆきよ)

「月の花」Music Video
劇場版「美少女戦士セーラームーン Cosmos」セーラースターライツ/スリーライツ スペシャル PV

【Pretty Guardians限定版(数量限定)】
【KING e-Shop/Sailor Moon store 限定版(数量限定)】
【法人別オリジナル特典 キャラクターA4クリアファイル】
Pretty Guardians : (ジャケット柄)
KING e-shop   : (スリーライツ集合柄)
Sailor Moon store:(エターナルセーラームーン柄)
HMV       :(火球皇女柄)
アニメイト   :(セーラースターファイター柄)
Amazon.co.jp  :(セーラースターメイカー柄)
ネオウイング  :(セーラースターヒーラー柄)
タワーレコード :(星野光柄)
セブンネット  :(大気光柄)
楽天ブックス  :(夜天光柄)

#美少女戦士セーラームーン #美少女戦士セーラームーンCosmos
#劇場版セーラームーン #Prettyguardians

0 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Йау! 🤗 Регистрируйся в Astellia и получай подарки - http://gnl.su/8WRsF0
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Приятного просмотра! 🙌

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Ставь лайк 👍, нажимай на колокольчик 🔔, и обязательно подписывайся для новых видео)

ЛУЧШИЕ ПРИКОЛЫ 2020 (Анимация) 1/2 | COSMOS
Здарова Народ! Вот вам большая нарезка где есть лучшие моменты , лучшие приколы , лучшие анимации , лучшие мульты с моего канала за первую половину 2020 года.
На эту тему видео уже делали: ПОТУСТОРОННИЕ , GMD13 ,
Shock Top , и еще словечко для алгоритмов.

На эту тему еще НЕ делали видео такие авторы как:
Мармаж , МедиаЛузер , ZAKATOON , Найс , ютубчик вот для тебя ключевые слова, и еще немного...

В этом видео есть: анимация , приколы , космос , cosmos , юмор , скетчи , приколюхи , лучшие моменты , лучшие приколы , лучшее за 2020 год , асмр , сиреноголовый, siren head

далее идет молитва во славу алгоритмам ютуба:

Анимация и тренды
Рассказывал мне дуб легенды
Истории школьные из жизни
Про Dobryak 'а Мармаж 'а и Мирби
Реакции, разоблачения, приколы
Лежат в сарае дяди Коли ...

#анимация #приколы #cosmos #лучшиеприколы #лучшие
#лютые #космос #мультик #юмор #Dobryak #мармаж #мирби #сиреноголовый #sirenhead

1 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Un "Agujero Negro" es una región finita del espacio en cuyo interior existe una concentración de masa lo suficientemente elevada como para generar un campo gravitatorio tal que ninguna partícula material, ni siquiera la luz, puede escapar de ella. Sin embargo, los agujeros negros pueden ser capaces de emitir radiación, lo cual fue conjeturado por Stephen Hawking en los años 70. La radiación emitida por agujeros negros como Cygnus X-1 no procede del propio agujero negro sino de su disco de acreción.

0 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🌍 Les astrophysiciens sont en quête perpétuelle de réponses, et tentent de comprendre le fonctionnement de l’Univers, qui regorge d’objets célestes, souvent énigmatiques, mais tellement extraordinaires. Si les étoiles lumineuses ont longtemps monopolisé les chercheurs et les passionnés d’astronomie, aujourd’hui, elles sont loin d’être les seules à occuper l’esprit des curieux. Les trous noirs sont probablement les objets les plus fascinants du cosmos, tant par leur étrangeté que par leurs capacités dévastatrices.

🔥 Pour rappel, les vidéos sont publiées les DIMANCHES à 18H00.


💥 Trou Noir, les monstres cosmique :
• Mais comment un tel phénomène cosmique peut-il se produire ? Les scientifiques pensent que certains trous noirs, dits primordiaux, sont apparus peu après le Big Bang dans l’univers primitif. Des trous noirs supermassifs ont été découverts dans certaines galaxies, permettant également d’envisager qu’ils auraient été créés en même temps que leur galaxie hôte.
Concernant une autre catégorie de trous noirs, elle pourrait être le résultat de la mort d’une étoile massive, lorsque celle-ci s’effondre sur elle-même, provoquant une supernova. Si un trou noir occupe zéro espace, il a en revanche une masse très importante. Celle-ci représente la majeure partie de la masse qui était autrefois celle d’une étoile. Bien sûr, en tant que gloutons, les trous noirs deviennent de plus en plus massifs, à mesure qu’ils engloutissent la matière environnante. La zone de non-retour, c’est-à-dire l’horizon des évènements, grandit progressivement avec le trou noir.
L’existence de trous noirs dans l’Univers peut amener à une autre réflexion. S’ils absorbent tout sur leur passage, peuvent-ils représenter un réel danger ? Mais avant tout, y en a-t-il beaucoup ? Ou bien s’agit-il d’anomalies somme toute assez rares ?

Une question te taraude certainement. Si les trous noirs sont invisibles, peut-on malgré tout en faire une description ? La réponse est oui !
D’une part, les scientifiques ont pu les étudier grâce aux techniques précédemment décrites, mais de plus, une image a fait le tour du monde en 2019. L’équipe internationale de l’Event Horizon Telescope a dévoilé, après deux années de traitement de données et plus de dix ans de travaux, la première photo jamais réalisée d’un trou noir. Il s’agit du cliché, réalisé grâce à l’interférométrie à très longue base, du trou noir supermassif M87, niché au cœur de la galaxie M87, située à 55 millions d’années-lumière de la Terre. On peut y découvrir un disque noir entouré d’un anneau de lumière, correspondant à l’ombre de ce colossal objet. Sa masse équivaut à 6,5 milliards de masses solaires et le diamètre de son horizon des évènements est estimé à 254 unités astronomiques, c’est à dire 254 fois la distance Terre Soleil !
Mais observons de plus près cet étrange objet afin de mettre à nu sa structure. Un trou noir est composé d’un horizon des évènements externe, d’un second horizon des évènements interne, puis de sa singularité.
L’horizon des évènements marque la limite autour de l’embouchure du trou noir. Dès lors qu’une particule intègre cette ligne d’horizon, elle est prisonnière et vouée à disparaître. La gravité est constante dans cette zone, quelle que soit la distance. Toutefois, il arrive que de la matière, attirée par le trou noir, ricoche sur l’horizon des évènements. Elle est alors projetée vers l’extérieur, accompagnée d’une pluie de jets lumineux de matière.
La singularité, quant à elle, représente la région intérieure du trou noir. C’est à cet endroit que demeure l’écrasante masse de l’objet. La singularité est complètement masquée et correspond au point unique où la masse du trou noir est concentrée dans l’espace-temps.


🎬 Au programme aujourd'hui:
- 00:00 - Introduction
- 02:25 - Traversée de notre système solaire
- 10:42 - Qu’est-ce qu’un trou noir ?
- 11:25 - Comment sait-on que les trous noirs existent ?
- 13:29 - À quoi ressemble un trou noir ?
- 15:56 - Comment se forment les trous noirs ?
- 17:37 - Combien y a-t-il de trous noirs dans l’Univers ?
- 20:20 - Le trou noir le plus proche de la Terre
- 23:05 - Un trou noir voyou
- 25:12 - Cygnus X-1
- 27:25 - Un trou noir incliné
- 32:29 - Les plus petits trous noirs
- 36:02 - Sagittarius A*
- 39:18 - Un trou noir tireur de balles
- 41:46 - Le trou noir le plus rare dans une galaxie voisine
- 45:29 - Henize 2-10
- 47:46 - Le trou noir qui tourne le plus vite
- 51:57 - Un trou noir cannibale
- 55:15 - Trous noirs de poids moyen
- 58:04 - Une collision entre deux trous noirs ?
- 01:00:12 - Le trou noir le plus brillant
- 01:03:03 - Le plus ancien trou noir connu
- 01:06:10 - Les plus gros trous noirs
- 01:09:22 - GNz7q, le « Chaînon manquant »
- 01:12:45 - Que ce passe-t-il au centre d’un trou noir ?
- 01:14:12 - Et si on y entrait ?

0 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Bagi yg suka lagunya download aja disini video ini engga seperti di channel capsull geed

3 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

マナダイバー コスモスHL リロ無し

*I forgot to change grid display in video so here is corrected grid*

done in random pub-coop

as expected, Cosmos has Ereshkigal-anti mechanic, but what surprise me is she deal light dmg not random elemental dmg like Agastia

Cosmos has *Arbitration meter* mechanic which will shift meter to red for each hit that deal 3m or more dmg and shift meter toward blue for every 10 hit, both colors max at lvl 10. If either side of meter is maxed at start of turn, she will use *Final Detonation* (aka party wiped) and this meter will shift by real time not base on turn, that's why it's anti-Eresh mechanic cuz Ereshkigal especially with Ilsa will max the blue meter at 1st turn from a lot of multi-hit then immediately wiped on 2nd turn, also while *Final Detonation* is up, Cosmos take no dmg

Each time *Dual Cry* or *Tempest Attunement* (max damonds Omen) is used, raise *Arbitration lvl* by 1, *Final Detonation* will activated after reaching lvl 3


Join Trigger
-*Tempest Attunement (join)* : aoe light dmg, knock out all non-dark allies and put CD on summon (RIP Qilin)
-*Sweep Detonation* : Can't dodge, multi-hit light dmg, gain Uplift, ATK Up and DEF Up buffs, inflict Shadow and Supplemental dmg debuffs then shift Arbitration meter to red lvl 8. Cosmos take no dmg while this Omen is up
-*Sweep Detonation* : Can't dodge, multi-hit light dmg, gain Uplift, TA Up and 50% dark dmg cut buffs, -200% gauge to all allies. Cosmos take no dmg while this Omen is up
-*Sweep Detonation* : Can't dodge, multi-hit light dmg, gain Uplift, ATK Up+DEF Up buffs, inflict Shadow and Supplemental dmg debuffs then shift Arbitration meter to blue lvl 8. Cosmos take no dmg while this Omen is up

=====Max Diamonds=====

*Dual Cry*

*if Meter around center*
4 hit light dmg, gain ATK Up buff, inflict Shadow debuff and red meter lvl+2
*cancel* : deal 30 hit

*if Meter lean toward red*
4 hit light dmg and bonus fire dmg, gain ATK Up and light echo buffs, inflict Shadow debuff and +red meter lvl+4
*cancel* : deal 40 hit

*if Meter lean toward blue*
4 hit light dmg and bonus water dmg, gain ATK Up, dispel on allies buff, inflict Shadow and ATK Down debuffs then red meter lvl+4
*cancel* : ougi 5 times

*Tempest Attunement*

*if Meter around center*
light aoe dmg, gain 50% Dark dmg cut buff, -200% gauge to all allies and blue meter lvl+2
*cancel* : inflict 8 debuffs

*if Meter lean toward red*
light aoe dmg and bonus fire dmg, gain 50% Dark dmg cut and TA Up buffs, -200% gauge to all allies and blue meter lvl+4
cancel : use 4 damaging skill

*if Meter lean toward blue*
light aoe dmg and bonus water dmg, gain 50% Dark dmg cut buff, -200% gauge and extended skill cd to all allies then blue meter lvl+4
*cancel* : inflict 10 debuffs

Key of this fight is balance between multi-hit and ougi/single hit attack to prevent from either meter reaching max lvl, and don't let Cosmos success using max diamonds omen more than 2 time, if you can do that this fight isn't hard just beware HP trigger that will shift meter to lvl 8

recommended character will be Fediel. G.Halluel&Malluel, G.Lich and S.Magisa, usually dark meta character

since all elemental Revan raid is released, I would rate these boss into 2 group base on my opinion
Hard group : Diaspora, Mugen and Agastia
Easy group : Siegfried, Siete and Cosmos

Class : Manadiver
-Lv 80 G.Halluel&Malluel
-Lv 80 Fediel
-Lv 80 Tikoh
-Lv 80 Nier [Ring]
-Lv 80 S.Magisa [Ring]
Battle Log : https://i.imgur.com/rDUbMjY.png

#granbluefantasy #gbf #cosmos

0 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

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Ever wonder about the our vast, mysterious universe — but don’t have time to earn that PhD? Superstar scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson has come to the rescue with Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, the brilliantly witty guide you’ve been waiting for. Recorded May 3, 2017 at 92nd Street Y.

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0 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад






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2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🌍 Astrophysicists are in a perpetual quest for answers, trying to understand the workings of the Universe, which is full of celestial objects, often enigmatic, but so extraordinary. If luminous stars have long monopolized researchers and astronomy enthusiasts, today they are far from being the only ones to occupy the minds of the curious. Black holes are probably the most fascinating objects in the cosmos, both for their strangeness and for their devastating capabilities.

🔥 As a reminder, videos are published on SUNDAYS at 6:00 PM.


💥 Black hole, cosmic monsters:
- But how can such a cosmic phenomenon occur? Scientists believe that some black holes, known as primordial, appeared shortly after the Big Bang in the early universe. Supermassive black holes have been discovered in some galaxies, allowing us to consider that they were created at the same time as their host galaxy.
Another category of black holes could be the result of the death of a massive star, when it collapses on itself, causing a supernova. If a black hole occupies zero space, it has a very large mass. This mass represents the major part of the mass that was once that of a star. Of course, as gluttons, black holes become more and more massive as they gobble up the surrounding matter. The zone of no return, i.e. the event horizon, gradually grows with the black hole.
The existence of black holes in the Universe can lead to another reflection. If they absorb everything in their path, can they represent a real danger? But first of all, are there many of them? Or are they quite rare anomalies?

One question is certainly on your mind. If black holes are invisible, can we still describe them? The answer is yes!
On the one hand, scientists have been able to study them thanks to the techniques previously described, but on the other hand, an image made the rounds in 2019. The international team of the Event Horizon Telescope has unveiled, after two years of data processing and more than ten years of work, the first ever photo of a black hole. It is the picture, made with very long baseline interferometry, of the supermassive black hole M87, nestled in the heart of the galaxy M87, located 55 million light years from Earth. We can discover a black disk surrounded by a ring of light, corresponding to the shadow of this colossal object. Its mass is equivalent to 6.5 billion solar masses and the diameter of its event horizon is estimated at 254 astronomical units, that is 254 times the distance to the Earth and the Sun!
But let's take a closer look at this strange object in order to reveal its structure. A black hole is composed of an external event horizon, a second internal event horizon, and its singularity.
The event horizon marks the limit around the mouth of the black hole. As soon as a particle enters this horizon line, it is trapped and doomed to disappear. Gravity is constant in this zone, whatever the distance. However, it happens that matter, attracted by the black hole, ricochets on the event horizon. It is then projected outwards, accompanied by a shower of light jets of matter.
The singularity represents the inner region of the black hole. This is where the overwhelming mass of the object remains. The singularity is completely hidden and corresponds to the unique point where the mass of the black hole is concentrated in space-time.


🎬 On the program today:
- 00:00 - Introduction
- 02:25 - Crossing our solar system
- 10:42 - What is a black hole?
- 11:25 - How do we know black holes exist?
- 13:29 - What does a black hole look like?
- 15:56 - How do black holes form?
- 17:37 - How many black holes are there in the Universe?
- 20:20 - The closest black hole to the Earth
- 23:05 - A rogue black hole
- 25:12 - Cygnus X-1
- 27:25 - A tilted black hole
- 32:29 - The smallest black holes
- 36:02 - Sagittarius A*
- 39:18 - A bullet-shooting black hole
- 41:46 - The rarest black hole in a neighboring galaxy
- 45:29 - Henize 2-10
- 47:46 - The fastest spinning black hole
- 51:57 - A cannibal black hole
- 55:15 - Medium weight black holes
- 58:04 - A collision between two black holes?
- 01:00:12 - The brightest black hole
- 01:03:03 - The oldest known black hole
- 01:06:10 - The biggest black holes
- 01:09:22 - GNz7q, the "Missing Link
- 01:12:45 - What happens at the center of a black hole?
- 01:14:12 - What if we went in?

3 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

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1 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

How to Grow Cosmos- FULL INFORMATION
GROWING TIME: In India - Throughout the year
(mainly during summer and rainy season)
Rest of the World - Can be sowed any time throughout summer and spring season

Cosmos Cosmic MiX Imported :

Cosmos Rubenza mix Imported:

Cosmos mixed seeds (Hybrid)

Cosmos Lady bird mix Imported:

Cosmos Sensation mix

2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Documentaire Physique, Astronomie. Rejoignez-nous sur https://bit.ly/3C3s7V7 pour plus de documentaires.

0 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

[no copyright infringement intended. for entertainment purposes only].

#일단뜨겁게청소하라 #허각 #CleanWithPassionForNow #HuhGak

3 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

I've got a big box with items from Japan for the SAILOR MOON COSMOS movies! Join me in opening them up for the FIRST time and seeing my first reactions. I talk about where each item is from and I have a complete list of all the details from the site I run all about Sailor Moon merch drops!


Here are the links to all products featured:

Gargoyles by Neca: https://necaonline.com/categor....y/licenses/tv/gargoy
HT Hair Clip: https://youtube.com/shorts/Tse....8HcNK8yM?feature=sha
K Pop Stop & Anime video: https://youtube.com/shorts/njI...._ox_GQDI?feature=sha
Drink Holder & Popcorn bucket: https://sailormoonfannetwork.c....om/blog/sailor-moon-
Cosmos Otedama: https://sailormoonfannetwork.c....om/blog/sailor-moon-
Holy Lights Collection: https://sailormoonfannetwork.c....om/blog/ichiban-kuji
HANA BIYORI: https://sailormoonfannetwork.c....om/blog/sailor-moon-
3COINS: https://sailormoonfannetwork.c....om/blog/sailor-moon-
GASHAPON GLOBES: https://sailormoonfannetwork.c....om/blog/sailor-moon-
Sunday Mainichi: https://sailormoonfannetwork.c....om/blog/sailor-moon-

Stay up to date on the latest Sailor Moon merch & news

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Big In Japan: https://www.biginjap.com/en/?s=011495008
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Akko: https://en.akkogear.com?ref=ochiba

#sailormooncosmos #Neca #anime
DISCLAIMER: This channel is intended for adults only. I am an adult woman who reviews, travels, and unboxes, for an adult only audience.

Ochibawolf Logo designed by

Music by Naomi - Sakura (feat. Flux) - https://thmatc.co/?l=89E53955

2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Sir Isaac Newton Part 1
Newton's childhood
Newton as school and college student
Newton's interest

Issac Newton Part 2

Isaac Newton Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLBSsoGxhPd1

Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, alchemist, theologian, and author, widely recognised as one of the greatest mathematicians and physicists and among the most influential scientists of all time. Isaac Newton is best known for having invented the calculus in the mid to late 1660s and for having formulated the theory of universal gravity — the latter in his Principia, the single most important work in the transformation of early modern natural philosophy into modern physical science.

Cosmos - A spacetime Odyssey
Cosmos - Possible Worlds In Hindi
Cosmos Session 1
Cosmos Session 2

#Cosmos #Science #AKR

2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад


Yume wo oikakete subete ga kawaru......

Why naze darou?
Dare ka wo sukueru hazu no chikara de
Dare mo ga mata arasou
Yes hontou wa
Hitotsu no sekai ni umarete kita to
Wakariaete iru no ni

Can you do it? Nando demo
Can you carry out? Hajimeyou
Atarashii More tenderly
Ashita wo More kindly

Yume wo oikakete subete ga kawaru
Itsu datte kimi wo kokoro wa mite iru
Ai wa doko ni aru sono kotae kara
Kimi dake no yuuki kanarazu sagashidaseru sa

Why Kagirinai
Asahi to utsukushii tsuki no yoru ga
Kioku no hate kiete 'ku
Yes Ushinatta
Hikari ga oshiete kureta kimochi wo
Omoidashite minai ka

Can you do it? Ima sugu ni
Can you carry out? Hajimeyou
Shinjiau More tenderly
Mirai wo More kindly

Yume wo oikakete subete ga kawaru
Tsuyoku naru imi wo kokoro wa shitte 'ru
Ai wa doko ni aru kizuita toki ni
Kimi dake ni dekiru nani ka ga sagashidaseru sa

Can you do it? Nando demo
Can you carry out? Hajimeyou
Atarashii More tenderly
Ashita wo More kindly

Yume wo oikakete subete ga kawaru
Itsu datte kimi wo kokoro wa mite iru
Ai wa doko ni aru sono kotae kara
Kimi dake no yuuki kanarazu sagashidaseru sa

Yume wo oikakete subete ga kawaru
Tsuyoku naru imi wo kokoro wa shitte 'ru
Ai wa doko ni aru kizuita toki ni
Kimi dake ni dekiru nani ka ga sagashidaseru sa

2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Something weird is happening to the Earth’s magnetic field and NASA is worried. There’s a large magnetic dent over South America and South-west Africa that’s splitting and growing. The intensity of our planet’s magnetic field is significantly weaker than in other parts of the globe. This is known as the South Atlantic Anomaly. The reason NASA is worried and actively tracking it is because many spacecraft and satellites, including the International Space Station, pass over this region. This exposes them to several minutes of strong ionizing (aɪ.ə.naɪˈzeɪ - ing) radiation, caused by the trapped protons in the inner Van Allen belt. Scientists are still not sure what causes the anomaly, or how it will continue to evolve in the future. However, they are working to better understand it, so that they can mitigate its effects on future space missions.

For more videos of COSMOS in a minute, follow The Secrets of the Universe.

2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

I'm a huge fan of the #Proplica line, and this brooch with LED lights and Sounds will surprise you (maybe). Now we just need to find out when #SailorMoonCosmos comes out! I got mine from AnimeOsaka. #sailormoon

-Check out my Amazon Influencer’s storefront here to shop my faves: www.amazon.com/shop/sailortortilla

-Buy Me A Coffee! @ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sailortortilla

-Want to help me unbox goodies? Here's my Amazon wishlist: http://a.co/5LDPnUQ

Web: www.SailorTortilla.com
Instagram: @SailorTortilla
Twitter: @SailorTortilla
FB: www.facebook.com/SailorTortilla


Crystal Character Art by Katerina Kopelia: http://fegarostalida.deviantart.com/
Background Art by Stco.Ink: https://www.facebook.com/stco.ink/

Showing 152 out of 153